Tuesday 15 March 2016

Top Ten Art Bloggers

Top Ten

Art as message-banksy

Banksy is an England-based graffiti artist, political activist and film director of unverified identity. Evidence from a newspaper investigation in 2008 and a study using geographic profiling in 2016 suggest that he is Robin Gunningham. The artist "Bansky" is really inspirational for all artists out there of todays generation. I feel like he is widely spoke about in the art world of today. I think this is mainly because some of his Art is very controversial, often making points about political choices and social problems. Even though he is very secretive i think he cares a lot about equality and, personally think this is why so many people support him and all his work around the globe.   
"nobody likes me"

Monday 14 March 2016

UNIT 3 Feminist art group: Guerilla Girls

Guerrilla Girls are an anonymous group of feminist, female artists devoted to fighting sexism and racism within the art world. The group formed in New York City in 1985 with the mission of bringing gender and racial inequality in the fine arts into focus within the greater community. 
Their motto is: Reinventing the "f" word: feminism! 
Guerrilla Girls wear gorilla masks whenever out making a public appearance 
Guerrilla Girls were formed by seven women artists in the spring of 1985 in response to the Museum of modern Art's exhibition "An international Survey of Recent Of Painting and Sculpture," which opened in 1984.The exhibition was the inaugural show in MoMA's newly renovated and expanded building, and was planned to be a survey of the most important contemporary art and artists in the world.

 The group are anonymous because they wanted the public to be focused on the issues rather than the "girls" artwork and personalities. They call themselves "Guerrilla" because they wanted to play with the fear of warfare within the art world and make people afraid of them when they strike next. The group call themselves "girls" to shock the public and make them upset as calling grown woman "girl" can imply that she is mature. Also, they used "girls" as they didn't want the term to be used against them when they are campaigning. Finally, the masks used to disuse themselves and use them for publicity photographs. In my opinion, I think the work of the Guerrilla Girls is extremely powerful suggesting to me that it is effective all over the nation. 

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Time Based Media Unit 7 Evaluation

I found the experience in Time Based Media to be slightly valuable because as a photography student some of the tasks were relevant where as others weren’t such as the task, Zoetrope, this task was more for the artistic side of animation but as a photographer I decided to take photos to solve a 2 dimensional problem. I have gained new skills, used new techniques learnt during this brief such as Zoetrope, I-movie and Stop Frame animation. Now that I have learnt these new skills I may be able to co-operate them in my future work and opens a new door for my photography work also.

At the end of the Zoetrope Workshop I found using my photographic images worked just as well as my peers drawn characters. I used the same technique as stop frame animation to create the final outcome of my zoetrope. The outcome for my I-movie workshop covered all of the parameters required for the task, but the message of promoting the college was lost during the creation of the video due to high imagination. The action painting I created in similar style to Jackson Pollock’s Dripped video. I also added my own little touch at the end by using brush strokes to mix the paints but due to the Perspex the drips remained. By the end of the reportage drawing task the quicker and abstract style does not suit me, as I am more inclined to spent time to create a more accurate drawing. For my Stop Frame animation I created a short but effective animation using drawing rather than clay models due to missing the workshop. I created my video in gif maker which why it is only a few frame long.

For my David Hockney research that I mainly focused on was his ipad paintings and the process he created the paintings with. Bill Viola I found had a similar look at technology as Hockney he use ipad as a new way to create art and focuses on a mix of cultures.Due to a college trip I was unable to plan most of my work as I had to catch up with the missed workshops.

During this brief I use a range of both photography and fine art skills to create the outcome of each workshop. This include the use of editing skills, method of stop motion and an understanding of creating time based media with my photography skills. I didn’t have the time to produce a 3D model for the stop frame animation workshop. I have used my blog to show the research I have collected, the work I created I New York and entries for each workshop. Insure that I finished editing my entries before uploading.

I managed my time well since I have got back from the New York trip being able to stay on top of the time based media project.