Sunday 11 October 2015

3D workshop

On the 1st of October I had my third workshop which was 3D, instructed by our 3D instructor Adam. During the first part of the workshop we were introduced to some of the key words from 3D and health and safety issues. These words were: shape scape, cutting matt, abstract, slotted cardboard, and scalpel, craft knife and slot puncher. Most of these key words are mostly equipment apart from shape scape which is a sculpture in a box aimed at adults to construct an infinite number of sculptures from the same set pieces. Also abstract which is art that does not attempt to represent just one individual image but instead uses shapes, colour, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Firstly, Adam showed us a designer called Peter Mayor who designs shape scapes. As the workshop included working with a lot of sharp objects the health and safety was priority, so for instance when using the craft knife do not press on to hard and to only cut towards your body so that you have better control of cutting and the knife. After seeing a few of Peter Mayor’s designs and going through the health and safety prestige’s we had ago at making our own shape scapes. I ended up creating a plane which also turned out looking like a rat from different types of angles. After the first part of the work shop we started to bring our “hands on” project into process of 3D before thinking of idea’s Adam our instructor showed us some of his models relating to the hands of project, but I found it quite difficult as 3D isn’t one of my strongest points and I was very limited with idea’s as 3D was one of the last workshops of mine. What I did was draw around my hand on to the card and carefully cut it out with the Stanley knife which I found extremely easier to use than the scalpel. I then started to bend and play about with the hand and sketch out an idea, which ended up looking like a chandelier of hands but also looked like a waving hand to make it look more abstract. It wasn’t always easy throughout the workshop I sometimes wanted to give up but once I continued to think about it and played about with the card I finally got an idea and managed to create what I wanted.        

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