Sunday 4 October 2015

Art Glossary-extended

On the 29th of September I continued to work on my glossary sheets for my “hands on” project that we are concentrating on until the 15th of October. Recently because I am concentrating on photography and I am studying it I have been told by my tutor, Claire Harrison, that I am now allowed to explore my skills on Photoshop and start to create glossary pages by taking my own photographs and editing them related to the key principles and elements of design. On Photoshop I explored different ways in which I could edit every photograph I had taken using hands in different ways, for instance increasing and decreasing the lighting and also contrast and sharpening edges to increase the quality. This time I choose the words “colour” and “movement” and used photo’s that I had taken in a photography workshop. The meaning of colour is the property of an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light. Whereas movement simply means the act of motion and energy. With the word colour I simply used an image where the hand itself had dried up paint on it and when editing it I brought all the focus to the colour on the hand and increased the brightness, not only to brighten the photograph but to increase the quality of the photograph. Whereas on the “movement” photograph I already had the technique I needed to create movement but when it came to editing it I knew I needed to increase raise the brightness to create more movement. By using adobe Photoshop I found it incredibly easier to do instead of drawing because It’s something I want to do and puts me in the right mind set whereas when it comes to drawing I am not in the right mind set as I want myself to be in. I intend to move on to the word space next in the process of our project. After progressing on our glossary sheets, our tutor Claire Harrison gave us a task where we were given either a element or principle of design to each table working as a group to come up with an idea related to that work. We were given the word contrast and the 3rd picture down was our idea.

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