Monday 23 November 2015

3D Workshop Introduction

On Thursday 5th November, I was introduced to elements of the 3D workshop. It was important to complete this workshop as it taught me the safety and knowledge of each machine that I can use throughout the course. Also it was important to complete the workshop as I wouldn't be able to complete the brief for the "transcribing Caro" project, another reason being that if we didn’t do the workshop we wouldn’t have been able to go on any of the machines as we hadn’t properly been taught how to use them or shown the proper safety risks. For me I found the workshop quite easy and simple as in my past school I had already been taught and shown how to use the equipment in a lesson called “product design” that I had studied for gcse. However, the experience was useful as it did remind me of my previous knowledge that I had forgotten in 3D. I was curious to explore the workshop as it allowed me to think about the materials I could use in the "transcribing Caro" project.  Throughout the workshop we followed the PPE (personal protection equipment) for the health and safety instructions.  Firstly, all loose clothing had to be removed for instance baggy jumpers, cardigans, scarfs  ect, long hair had to be tied back to avoid the risk of being injured and getting trapped in machines by these elements. Bags were not allowed to be placed in the workshop room because they are a tripping hazard which is dangerous for a room surrounded by machines. Also, lanyards must be removed for our own safety as they can get caught in machines which make it very dangerous when working. Finally, strong shoes must be worn in the workshop to avoid the risk of injury to your feet if any equipment fell on the floor. All of these instructions were followed throughout the 3D workshop introduction.

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