Friday 18 September 2015

Domino Effect

Yesterday morning I explored ways in which neither I nor my other class mates would have bounded together. Creating imaginative things such as sculptures and playful art, bringing out everyone’s true colours. We were all guided smoothly by an artist called James who gave us guidance and inspiration all throughout the day. I would say that it is extremely important role to play an artist as it releases the inner childhood in yourself and can encourage you to make your work more fun and engaging to the fellow audience. Whilst all the current young artist were creating developed sculptures I myself as a young photographer took the chance to catch natural images throughout the day of friendship being created, team work and the skills being brought to the sculptures. I explored different and unusual angles around the room catching the quality of either objects or people in action.

The elements we took forward in the process were developing our thoughts and ideas from the start to create a range of ideas and putting it into our work for our none existing sculptures what were about to be created. Which by the end brought out the best in everyone’s imaginative ideas. After working independently catching the natural images I needed I later on joined in with the creative activity James had set for everyone on a much larger scale. We worked as a team by agreeing with everyone’s individual ideas for instance the kind of shape the sculpture was going to be and how it was going to stay firm without braking. I personally think creativity is extremely import not just to me but to everyone around the world it really does bring out the good in people and how talented some people are. Creativity brings out the inner child in everyone because without having any interaction with art, I highly doubt anyone would have any imagination, they would just be left blank.

As a group we combined our creativity to create a sculpture which reflected our ideas and thoughts. We divided up our responsibilities by working in pairs within the group to concentrate on different areas of the sculpture. This worked efficiently as in brought the individuals closer together within the activity, and increased our communication skills. Throughout the activities I distance myself from the group to allow myself to explore further into photography making sure I mastered the basics for instances close ups (superzooms) and the lighting of the room. Normally I would use reflectors but as it was my first time on the course I was just proving to the others and myself I know what I am doing when it comes to photography as it has been my passion to be a photographer ever since I was young. I aspire to be in the industry of fashion someday. With the photos I have taken I have adjusted the lighting and contrast to improve the quality of the photos.

Some problems the groups encountered were when they attempted to make smaller sculptures they came to the conclusion that because they weren’t as sturdy and collapsed several times, they stuck to a much bigger surface area. To solve the problem, I myself explored different designs just be walking around the room looking for inspiration and even looking out of the window at the buildings. By sharing my ideas with the group it then led us as a team to change the layout which made it stable and more efficient for the design. This helped me to adapt my skills into the group task whilst also sticking to my photography side of it. The team also faced many different problems just by the sculpture falling down and straight away the team over faced this by fixing the piece and by learning from the mistake change the design.

I recorded the “Domino Effect” by concentrating on my Photography and taking photographs at a high standard all throughout the day to show my skills with a professional camera as I have a lot of experience with them I was able to prove my skills. By taking photographs all throughout the day it showed the progress that was being made with the individuals and also the sculptures. At the end of the workshop we created a mind map to reflect on the day and what everyone had learnt from it. The workshop helped everyone’s social and team working skills all throughout the day and the skills that not only me but the other individuals learnt will overall help us with our lives and my photography course I will have these skills to help me for the next two years maybe even for a life time.  Throughout the day different tasks were set at different times which we followed from the instructor James. As a group it allowed us to plan what we were creating, also explore new techniques and patterns with the dominos. We followed the time we were given accurately and we also had time to spare which allowed us to pack dominos away ready for the next task.

My individual strength’s and tasks were to capture the natural moments whilst individuals were at work and getting to know one another using not only one brain but the groups together. I adapted and developed my surroundings by correcting the lighting and the contrast either making it lighter or darker to increase the quality of the photograph showed my creativity and effort towards my task. I personally think I did my work to a high standard and allowed me to be as creative I can be with the camera by taking photos at different types of angles for instance; side view, above view and many more.

At the end of the workshop the whole entire class created a final piece, which I feel explored every individual’s ideas in the process. As everyone’s skills developed further and further throughout the day the final piece of art was just faultless compared to everyone’s recent designs. I think one thing we as a class could have improved was arrangement work with the dominos so it would be more engaging and creative.

My overall thought of the day was that it was such an inspirational experience because it taught me that there are so many ways out in the world to get individuals working together as a team and socialising, also not being scared to share their opinions and ideas they have because everyone’s opinions and ideas matter so much. If no one ever opened up and shared, everyone would be extremely dull and creativity would be lost. The day also taught me that without creativity and excitement fun art wouldn’t exist, and how important it is for an artist to explore and just be enjoyable. The workshop was also a great success as I got to show my abilities and interest at heart by using the camera and proving I am worthy of photography. It has also helped me gain confidence in showing what I can do within my photography course, and socialising with people I have only just met. Overall, I would recommend this workshop to any other class as it really does benefit you in any way for your course in college. The workshop has helped me a lot within my photography course and to communicate with others.


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