Thursday 20 October 2016


For my first project of my second year, myself and the rest of the class were given the theme "Natural World" and were given specific tasks to do throughout the summer so that I was able to keep up with the work and enable myself to get some sort of idea and inspiration for when I got back to college. Before starting the tasks I was set, I created a mind map of idea's on what primary research I was going to search also planning places where I could pick up my research for my sketchbook. This included various places such as, Natural History Museum (New York), The World Museum of Liverpool, Wildlife Park and Wigfield Farm. As well as narrowing it down to specific research such as, plants, animals, evolution, people, space, seasons and so much more. Every location I visited I planned to focus on different visual aspects. For instance, at the Natural History Museum I focused on the taxidermies animals; extinct animals and live animals of today. Moving on to Wigfield Farm I focused on the live farm animals getting up close with my camera in their natural habitats. But as well as focusing on the Farm animals I discovered bright and beautiful types of flowers beside the farm which has helped me well with my research, as well as the images coming out perfectly. Unfortunately, the rest of my listed locations did not make it into my sketchbook due to the loss of images. However, I did unexpectedly manage to get some great photographs of my garden and the flowers which enabled me to explore the peaceful and calm green colours of a group of plants in my garden where as in contrast the second page looks at the beautiful warm autumnal colours of the other side of my garden. All the images from the museums I visited, unfortunately the rooms were dull but the outcomes turned out pretty well which was very unexpected as I only used the method point and shoot. Furthermore, the photographs from the wigfield Farm turned out better than expected as I focused more on the settings, and used a completely different camera to when I was in the museums. I used a Canon 1000D camera for my outside photographs at the farm. I also ended up choosing six of my most favourite ones and edited them using my skills on photoshop.
Moving on to my secondary research, I started off by researching Photographers. Starting off with John Gallino a British Fashion designer who was the head designer of French fashion companies Gwenchy, Christian Dior, and his very own lebel John Gallino. I researched his designs for Dior Cature, where he created clothing representing different types of flowers and by the looks using seasonal colours maybe relating to autumn, for instance, orange, red, blues and so many more. I then researched a Fashion Photographer named Adam Fussel, who is not only a fashion photographer but went to the same Uni(Leeds College of art) where, I, myself want to end up going. However, Fussel did not study photographer at uni he studied a course called "visual communications" from 2009-2012. I chose to focus on his as not only does he focus on the models but the surroundings where the photo shoot is located.
As my goal is to become a fashion photographer I decided to link my project to fashion through my secondary research, then link to my project by looking at seasonal clothing. I researched all seasons summer, spring, autumn and winter. However, since I am in autumn it only seemed obvious to focus on that specific season. On the specific clothing ties with each individual season. Near to the end of the project I then came to realise that what I wanted my out come to be was a photographic book focusing on one in particular season being "autumn" and the clothing associated with the season. I chose the season of autumn as it currently the season we are experiencing and therefore I am able to explore what is happening in the fashion industry at the moment and the issues encountered regarding autumn and the weather that envelops it.
Looking back at my summer project I have come to realise that I did not work hard enough as I could have due to the lack of primary research and organisation. In future, I need to be completely organised and time management needs to be sorted.
I developed my research by exploring different photographers and fashion designers, this helped me really well with my sketchbook, mood boards ect, as it gave me inspiration on how to move forward with my project. This has helped develop my ideas as it gave me inspiration for my final outcome in the project.
The furthest I got with experimentation was working on my Photoshop skills with the graphics tutor, Paul. He helped me so much throughout the project with layout and shortcuts on Photoshop. Photoshop lessons have helped me out incredibly as for future use I will be able to be more independent when coming to editing photographs.
My chosen designers and photographers linked incredibly well to my project and outcome, as they both reflect natural views. Such as John Galliano making fashionable but floral clothing. As well as Adam fusel using natural surrounding's as well as focusing on the fashion side but linking them both. 
From my specialist workshop, I have learnt how to use InDesign to create my photography book for my final outcome. From being able to use InDesign in future I will be able to create more photography books for my portfolio independently and enables my work to look more professional.
Overall, I think everything has gone better than usual but there has been some rough parts through the project for instance, the start of the project for the summer project because it was independent research and I did not have anyone to assist me, it was really strange. However, now I am all round happy with working independently and just receiving feedback from both my tutor and workshop tutor. I am extremely pleased with the thought process and the outcome that has come with it.

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