Thursday 20 October 2016

Secondary Research

As my goal is to become a fashion photographer I decided to link my project to fashion through my secondary research, then link to my project by looking at seasonal clothing. I started by looking at summer and its very warm and colourful and the use of a lack of clothing. Summer has the most clear sense of form over function and I find that the designs have the most life to them.

Then with spring I looked at the more calm and less intense use of colour. Though the climate shifts colder and the necessity to cover up looms there is still a sense of freedom. Spring in my eyes is the symbolic representation of the rebirth of the seasonal cycle, as the flowers begin to bloom and the animals being to end their hibernation.

Then with it being autumn currently I looked at it the most and had an in depth look at some of the current fashion. With a focus on oranges and brown earth tones. Compelled by a need to cover up due to the seasonal change of the climate the designs become more functional and defend against the colder feeling of the season.

Last one being, winter. The coldest season of the year the one that requires the most coverage, also utilizes the coldest colours. The colours from autumn to winter decrease in brightness as it becomes night quicker. I like the use of whites and blacks to create a great sense of contrast. The aesthetic of the clothing becomes overall smarter as there is a clearer need of function over form.

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