Wednesday 15 February 2017

My Idea

Moving on from starting my project proposal I then decided I needed to put my head down and really think about an idea for my Final Major Project so that I was able to move forward. So, I then choose to carry on my thought process but through a different method, so rather than continuing with my mind map, I felt like I needed to speak to someone about it as I feel speaking about my thoughts and ideas helps me think about everything in more depth and detail. I also feel it helps sharing my idea with another individual as in my case it makes me feel more confident and sturdy about my idea chosen seeing a positive reaction from the person I spoke to.

The idea I have decided to move forward with is "Returning Trends" focusing on the aspect of clothing from different era's and how the trends are following us and coming back. Era's such as 90s, 80s, 70s and the 60s. I chose to do this, as my style itself is a modern trend on the 90s and 80s. From this I know I would not loose focus nor would I loose interest as its something I am interested and passionate about. I also wanted to focus on the fashion aspect as my goal in life is to become a Fashion photographer and by choosing my main direct style of photography I am able to teach myself lighting techniques used specifically for fashion.

Links to my social media's
Instagram: o.g.gphotography

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Final major project

Day three of my final major project I continued my thought process as I was having difficulties with research, and another reason being you can't actually start the FMP unless your proposal is complete. I had not yet started at this point. The limitations with research I was having was primary, my own research and how I would go about with it. Where as with secondary I have so much research to choose from such as the internet, books, articles and so much more. Throughout this struggle I have had many ups and downs, emotionally and physically. From this it has stopped the flow of my work and made me lack in confidence. The main aspect of it I worry about is that I will end up doing something I'm neither interested in nor want to do.

Monday 13 February 2017

Thought process

After the introduction to our final major project we were then left to ourselves to try and think of an idea for our FMP that we thought we would be successful with, also something that we know that we wouldn't get bored of. What I decided to do was create a mind map and start to develop loads of idea's narrowing it into one final idea. I chose to form idea's by thinking of things I am interested in such as, fashion and different era's of fashion. To begin with I did have my heart set on 60s fashion but as I found out other peers were doing it, it really put me off doing it as I want to be different and unique and do something no one else was doing. In the process of thinking of an idea I never actually realised how hard it it to find an idea that you like and you are capable of getting both primary and secondary research for. After over coming the 60s idea I thought to myself I would love to do the 90's fashion but after speaking to my tutor about it I feel it would be difficult for primary research as being it isnt a era that is years back it hardly has any information about it where as the further back the era the more information there is. Therefore now I am undecided on weather or not to go with my original idea as I would gain more research from it.

Friday 10 February 2017

Introduction to my final major project

For getting started on out final major project we were given an introduction and shown a power point with necessary information, ideas and a way forward. As we were going through the introduction our tutor was explaining how truly important this project is and why we should put 110% effort and passion into it. This being because its our future that is now being placed into our own hands, its our time to truly shine and prove what we are capable of working as an individual. This project is our own, its what we make of it. We are not able to choose a topic that we are truly passionate about and know that we wont doubt the project whilst in process as its what we have chose ourselves. By choosing a theme for our projects which provides us with good resource material and also opportunities to develop further. Throughout the introduction we were constantly reminded of the basics of what we should already know when it comes to a project such as, research, blogs, Harvard reference and so much more, but this time we all know that everything has to be 100% effort into it. Moving further on into the introduction some limitations were brought up as it only seemed fair as the reason for it was being past projects, it had already been done. Things like, no Disney this being that no one in there right mind can recreate Disney its just impossible also as it cant be recreated it would also be classed as copy write. Along with no manga and no tattoo history or design. The elements we are getting marked on throughout the project are; context, research, practical skills, problem solving, planning and production, presentation, evaluation and reflection. The grades for this project are fail, pass, merit and distinction. The grade I am aiming to achieve is either a Merit which to achieve I must achieve all pass assessment criteria listed within Unit 13 plus all the merit grade criteria. Or either a Distinction which to achieve a grade as high as this I must achieve all the pass assessment criteria listed within Unit 13, plus all of the merit and distinction criteria. Also to achieve either of these grades the points needed are; Merit 120 points and Distinction 168 points.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Harvard Reference-mother and child

Bibliography:Photography, R.M. (2017) Unspoken conversations: Mothers and daughters - Rania Matar photographer. Available at: (Accessed: 4 January 2017). In-line Citation:(Photography, 2017)

Bibliography:Dolce (2016) Like mother like daughter: Party time. Available at: (Accessed: 4 January 2017). In-line Citation:(Dolce, 2016)

Bibliography:Berry, A. (2012) Top 10 nude magazine covers. Available at:,28804,2107768_2107767_2107759,00.html (Accessed: 4 January 2017). In-line Citation:(Berry, 2012)

Bibliography:Doupnik, L. (2016) Bump it up: The most popular pregnant Celeb photo shoots. Available at: (Accessed: 4 January 2017). In-line Citation:(Doupnik, 2016)