Wednesday 15 February 2017

My Idea

Moving on from starting my project proposal I then decided I needed to put my head down and really think about an idea for my Final Major Project so that I was able to move forward. So, I then choose to carry on my thought process but through a different method, so rather than continuing with my mind map, I felt like I needed to speak to someone about it as I feel speaking about my thoughts and ideas helps me think about everything in more depth and detail. I also feel it helps sharing my idea with another individual as in my case it makes me feel more confident and sturdy about my idea chosen seeing a positive reaction from the person I spoke to.

The idea I have decided to move forward with is "Returning Trends" focusing on the aspect of clothing from different era's and how the trends are following us and coming back. Era's such as 90s, 80s, 70s and the 60s. I chose to do this, as my style itself is a modern trend on the 90s and 80s. From this I know I would not loose focus nor would I loose interest as its something I am interested and passionate about. I also wanted to focus on the fashion aspect as my goal in life is to become a Fashion photographer and by choosing my main direct style of photography I am able to teach myself lighting techniques used specifically for fashion.

Links to my social media's
Instagram: o.g.gphotography

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