Monday 13 February 2017

Thought process

After the introduction to our final major project we were then left to ourselves to try and think of an idea for our FMP that we thought we would be successful with, also something that we know that we wouldn't get bored of. What I decided to do was create a mind map and start to develop loads of idea's narrowing it into one final idea. I chose to form idea's by thinking of things I am interested in such as, fashion and different era's of fashion. To begin with I did have my heart set on 60s fashion but as I found out other peers were doing it, it really put me off doing it as I want to be different and unique and do something no one else was doing. In the process of thinking of an idea I never actually realised how hard it it to find an idea that you like and you are capable of getting both primary and secondary research for. After over coming the 60s idea I thought to myself I would love to do the 90's fashion but after speaking to my tutor about it I feel it would be difficult for primary research as being it isnt a era that is years back it hardly has any information about it where as the further back the era the more information there is. Therefore now I am undecided on weather or not to go with my original idea as I would gain more research from it.

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