Thursday 16 March 2017

Marc Jacobs: 90s Grunge Collection Perry Ellis

First pages for my research of the Marc Jacobs Collection.

For my secondary research I decided to bring my attention to a designer from the nineties, one in particular I thought was perfect for what I was looking at is Marc Jacobs a designer who still is today very popular in the design industry. This collection of clothing was designed for Perry Ellis and focused on the style of "grunge" which I am starting to narrow my project towards as I feel that the style is making its way back into fashion as well as influencing myself. The "Grunge" style was based around the music scene and made a huge impact globally. The style itself in my eyes evolved from the events that a cured when entering the nineties, things because more laid back and less stressful more individuals where able to be themselves and express through fashion. The style is comfortable, edgy, quirky and different! The collection itself is like no other its not a stereotypical high end fashion design, I feel that from my own knowledge and understanding of todays fashion I believe that the collection is more for a High street fashion rather than the high end. To me it looks more casual and as the collection is dedicated to the style grunge, it is known to be more comfortable clothing and creates an edgy appearance to those who choose to dress in that manner. What I like about Jacobs work is that he has not only contrasted with the stereotypical High end fashion look but he pushes the boundaries of fashion and how something should look. I believe that Jacob shows through his designs that there should be no limitations or boundaries on who should wear what. I in particular like how the clothes are displayed on a plain white background when photographed, enabling the clothing to speak for itself. 

Second pages of my Marc Jacobs: Grunge collection displaying
my critical studies of the work. 
For recreating these photographs I did organise to take photographs at a charity catwalk event involving the fashion students at the electric theater unfortunately, the event was cancelled due to the lack of funding towards the event. However, I was able to think around this unfortunate event taking place by relocating myself into the photography studio over exposing light onto a white back ground. I then placed the model directly half way between the backdrop and myself whilst taking the images creating a realistic pose that the model is walking towards myself, linking it back to the runway scenery. However, whilst creating my critical studies no matter how much I increased the power of the soft boxes I used the images just didn't seem to have the same over exposed look, so theoretically if I was to do another shoot after taking the photographs I could maybe go further by editing them on photoshop and increasing either the brightness, levels or curves giving it more of an exposed look.

My Artist research sheet for Marc Jacobs collection "Grunge"
involving more critical studies.

From this research I know for definite that I am going to take elements forward with me such as the style grunge. I believe I can take this forward as I am willing to push the boundaries of what grunge looked like back in the nineties and reveal how grunge is portrayed in today's society. I plan to also take elements of the clothing forward such as doc martins, flannel shirts and the comfy clothing. Furthermore, I love the idea of the over exposed white background for a future photoshoot and how the focal point is the clothing as well as the model, and that there is nothing in the background diverting the attention of the viewer.

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