Monday 7 December 2015

3D workshop

On the 19th of November I continued to plan and create a photographic 3D sculpture for my project "transcribing caro". The 3D workshop was the main workshop session my sculpture was interpreted for as I needed to create practically all the elements that will connect all the pieces for my photographic 3D sculpture. I was inspired by an sculptor/photographer that goes by the name Isidro Blasco that involves 3D by overlapping images and making you see an image from either a different point of view or angle. By interpreting both Blasco and Caro I came up with the idea that I would use the same idea as Blasco by using my own images of Caro's sculptures from my visit to the Yorkshire sculpture park and overlapping them and creating a 3D photographic version of my interpretation if Caro was to be involved with photography and saw it from an abstract way. By creating a photographic sculpture it allowed me to see things from a different point of view and different ways 3D can be created through not only using ceramics, wood work and other hands on projects but photography also.

To start the session we were given a recap from the woodwork introduction about the health and safety that was required in the workshop. When we entered the workshop we were told to place our bags and coats out of the room away safely to avoid tripping hazards and causing serious injuries as well as if  left in the room it may get damage. We were also reminded of certain safety logo's on the machines which were "wear safety goggles", "wear eye protection" and "tie long hair up". The rules and safety signs must be followed at all times throughout the workshop to avoid any injuries. After recapping health and safety rules from the induction, we followed them all way through the workshop to avoid risk of injury.

Firstly, to start the workshop I collected all my secondary research of Blasco's work, images of Anthony Caro's sculptures and rough sketches. After gathering all my research and sketches I discussed to the workshop leader Brad my idea and what I wanted to create. When discussing to the workshop instructor Brad about my design I faced a problem which was think of how to create this idea I wanted to create and by looking at Blasco work try and get some sense of how he made it so secure and made it look so out there and 3D like. When coming to a decision I decided to start working on the base and how it was all going to stand so I made 5 stands that were stable and secure to, when making them I did not have exact measurements to what height was going to be but when me and the workshop leader were working at it we went along as it went and marked down the measurements to what I sticked to. After collecting measurements I measure upwards where the piece of wood for the base would go and once measured I took all the pieces of wood to the drill and drilled where it was marked. After applying the holes I drilled screws into the main piece's of wood going through to the other so that it was able to stand. I then got on to make a flat surface to place a background natured image onto.                

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