Corinne Day (19 February 1962-27 August 2010) was known as the women who discovered "Kate Moss" the icon of the 90s, as well as making a huge impact on fashion photography everywhere.
The talented "Corinne Day" was born in 1965, she was a self taught photographer. She introduced a new type of documentary photographer feel to an image making, creating works that were both candid and intimate. Day worked as a catalogue model before decided on photography for a carrier.
During the early 1990s Day continued to work with "The Face", as well as a number of magazines associated with youth and counter culture, including, i
Ray-Gun and Penthouse, working with models including Moss, Rosemary Ferguson and George Clements. In 1993, Day was commissioned by Alexandra Shulman to photographed Moss for the June issue of the British edition of Vogue. Intended as a lingerie fashion spread, the editorial, "Under Exposed" depicted the 19-year-old Moss in her west London flat, which she shared with her then boyfriend, fashion photographer Mario Sorrenti. The images caused a media scandal, with newspapers from the Daily Mail to
The Independent claiming that the images were hideous, exploitative, verging on child pornography. But little did all the media know at the time, that these photographs led "Kate Moss" to be one of the most famous models to date.

What I impartially like about Days work is that she captures the beauty without making her models pose over the top and creates a natural look. This to me implies that she was a laid back women and didn't really wear make up or want to come across as glamorous anyways but that you can look beautiful natural. ."I don't have great cheekbones, or huge lips to pile lipstick on -it didn't suit me," she told the Observer in 2000. Biography of Corinne Day, Vogue