Monday 3 April 2017

People Watching/Location Photography

For my primary research I went to the city of Leeds to collect primary research by going people watching, and try to capture as many peoples outfits as I possibly could. However, with it being my first time shooting random individuals I was a little nervous as I wasn't sure what to expect. But within the first 15 minutes of me being in a city environment the more confident I became as everything I had worried about did not happen at all. In my eyes I wouldn't say my research was accurate as I was hoping due to the type of trends I had research were worn when the weather was nice but unfortunately it was cold so the public were wrapped up warm and I couldn't really get a clear view of individuals styles. As well as people watching I decided to go further with my research and visit vintage shops, to get a real view of what clothing was in the 90s as "vintage" to my era is old fashioned clothing and not what people wear today, which is highly in correct because without knowing it all of the items of clothing from the "Vintage Shops" are in the high street fashion stores but as a modernised versions.

The outcomes from my visit were better than expected:
Camera: 750D Cannon
Lighting: Ambient
Project Title: People watching

Throughout my day of research, I then chose to go further with my research and practice location photography and using ambient light (natural light). What was great about doing this was, I started to do it at sun down so the light was beautiful and really made an impact on my photographs this specific time of day is called Magic Hour, and when coming to edit them, hardly needed anything.

The outcomes from my mini project:
Camera: 750D
Lighting: Ambient
Project Title: Location photography

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