Thursday 11 May 2017

1990's events.


  • Gardner Heist: The Biggest Art Theft in History
  • Germany Reunited
  • Hubble Telescope Launched Into Space
  • Lech Walesa Becomes First President of Poland
  • Milli Vanilli Lip-Synch Scandal
  • Nelson Mandela Freed
  • Stampede in Pedestrian Tunnel in Mecca
  • United States Invades Nicaragua
  • U.S. President Bush Announces That He Doesn't Like Broccoli

  • Arsonist John Leonard Orr Is Finally Discovered
  • Basketball Player Magic Johnson Announces He Has HIV
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union
  • Copper Age Man Found Frozen in Glacier
  • Israel Airlifts 14,000 Jews From Ethiopia
  • Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines Erupts, Killing 800
  • Operation Desert Storm
  • Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer Is Arrested
  • South Africa Repeals Apartheid Laws
  • The Tallest Structure in the World, the Warsaw Radio Mast, Collapses

  • Bosnian Genocide Begins
  • Official End of the Cold War
  • Riots in Los Angeles After the Rodney King Verdict

  • Cult Compound in Waco, Texas Raided
  • Lorena Bobbitt Takes Brutal Revenge
  • Use of the Internet Grows Exponentially
  • World Trade Center Bombed

  • Channel Tunnel Opens, Connecting Britain and France
  • Nelson Mandela Elected President of South Africa
  • Rwandan Genocide

  • Auction Website eBay Is Founded
  • Final Calvin and Hobbes Comic Strip Published
  • First Successful Air-Balloon Ride Over the Pacific Ocean
  • Million Man March in Washington D.C.
  • O.J. Simpson Found Not Guilty of Double Murder
  • Oklahoma City Bombing
  • Sarin Gas Attack in Tokyo Subway
  • World's Deadliest Subway Disaster Occurs in the Baku Metro in Azerbaijan
  • Yitzhak Rabin Assassinated

  • Centennial Olympic Park Bombing During the Olympic Games
  • Dolly the Sheep, the First Cloned Mammal, Is Born
  • Mad Cow Disease Hits Britain
  • Mount Everest Disaster
  • Six-Year-Old JonBenet Ramsey Murdered
  • Two Royal Divorces
  • Unabomber Arrested

  • British Au Pair on Trial for Murder
  • First Harry Potter Book Is Released
  • Hale-Bopp Comet Visible
  • Hong Kong Returned to China
  • Pathfinder Sends Back Images of Mars
  • Princess Diana Dies in Car Crash
  • Scientists Clone Sheep
  • Tallest Buildings in the World Built in Kuala Lumpur
  • Tiger Woods Wins Masters

  • India and Pakistan Test Nuclear Weapons
  • Titanic Most Successful Movie Ever
  • U.S. President Clinton Impeached
  • Viagra on the Market

  • The Euro the New European Currency
  • Fear of Y2K Bug
  • JFK Jr. Dies in Plane Accident
  • Killing Spree at Columbine High School
  • NATO Attacks Serbia
  • Panama Canal Returns to Panama

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