For my final piece's I have decided on creating a set of four magazine covers that represent a family sequence, so that they have the same title throughout and choice of font but both the image and layout is different. To back my idea of magazine covers I felt that they needed something extra to give it more purpose. From this I decided to create a look book to complement my magazine covers. The design for my look book was to theoretically look like a magazine to begin with and when opening is portrayed with other images from my photo shoot that I feel portrays the look of nineties grunge the best.
When designing my look book I created it using InDesign as the software itself is built for editorial use and layout designs. I narrowed my choices of images down to ten, my strongest ten photographs, so that when putting in the amount of pages needed. I knew that by having 10 images I knew I would need 12 pages because I was including both the front cover and back.
However, when having the fully designed booklet printed issues accrued due to the settings applied when sending it to print. Issues such as:
printing out separate images on A4 paper
first mock up: my photographs were up side down when opening the book
the image used for the cover when opening it up they layers and Photoshop were merge as one file
knowledge on how to print the book was limited so I had to play around until successful
the process of both making it and printing took up alot of my time
However when I was successful with my print I was amazed with the outcome when put together and thought my choices of top ten photographs really did portray my modern nineties grunge theme extremely well and was a good idea of back my idea up of an actually magazine.
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