Thursday 11 May 2017

90's Trends: Comeback

For my primary research I have collected a series of images from a website called "In the Style". The website itself portrays fashion from different perspectives one in particular being nineties trends that have returned to today's decade. Even thought this research is secondary I have incorporated primary within this piece by finding these specific trends such as flannel shirts, chokers, denim, scrunchies and many more. The images from the website are of celebrities, the left side is of a celebrity based in the nineties representing the trend then and the right side of the image is a celebrity of today and portraying how the trend is seen today.
This is the layout of my page for the returning trends from the
nineties. The photographs with a tracing paper layer are from
the website used for this research and the images surrounding
them are my own photographs proving that these trends are still
trending! As well as backing up my theory that trends are returning
I also decided to practice different skills in the photography studio,
such as developing my skills with different lights and equipment. I was
also able to practice and develop my skills in photography specifically
with compositions, e.g portraits and full length shots.
second pages of my research.

From this part of my research it has helped decide that I do not intend to work in the studio for the rest of this project as not only am I limited with facilities within the collect environment but throughout my college experience I have kept myself within my comfort zone, this being the photography studio. So I am happy to say I will no longer be using the studio as I need to be experimenting more and pushing the boundaries within myself and the project. As well throughout my sketchbook I plan to documenting all my photographs through contact sheets.

Problem Solving
To document my problem solving when experimenting with lighting I have added in contact sheets, to show whilst experimenting I was faced with problems with lighting for instance being poorly lit. To over come this problem whilst in the studio to develop my skills I googled lighting techniques whilst to create a well lit photograph whilst in the studio. Whilst doing this research also I struggled to think of how i would take it forward within my research and I overcome this and decided on taking elements such as the clothing forward and use them in my further photo shoots.

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