Friday 26 May 2017

Experimentation with different camera's

When experiment about about with multiple camera's I went about it in different directions. I used different photography types when taking the photographs for instance when taking photographs with the early 2000's Sony compact camera I approached it in a documentary type of way to by following a subject around doing their daily routine this being my younger sibling Annie, showing that I've not only experiment with different cameras but different styles within photograph. When using the compact camera I believe that I was able to capture quick and easy photographs even when the subject was moving around the room quite vigorously the outcomes were not blurred nor were they wrong because this was just experimentation. By playing with the camera gave me a pretty clear picture of how photography today has developed as a whole, and the technology of the camera I personally believe has changed massively. The quality of my outcomes using the compact camera where not a very good quality, they kind of reminded me of film photography something about the quality brought this to mind it seemed as if they were developed rather than digitally printed.

Which brings me to my next camera I experimented with which was a modern Polaroid camera created by instax. I really enjoying creating photographs with my Polaroid as I loved watching the images develop when being exposed to light when I had taken them. The photographer style that I focused on when taking these Polaroid images was portraits as it was one of the main elements for my final pieces. When taking the photographs of the variety of subjects I based them in front of a white wall and had them pose how ever they liked so that I was able to take a different approach each time. When the outcomes had printed and were developed it was so great to see how they had come turned out. What I noticed the photos had developed was that there was density within my images as you can see around the edge of the photograph is seems darker than when focused on the subject I believe that this is created from the camera's built in flash.

Throughout my experimentation I have really enjoyed getting involved with camera's that were discover in past era's similar to my theme "Returning trends". I feel that If i was to use any of these camera's further it would be the Polaroid as I feel it creates more an edgy appearance and grunge like vibe. However, the film itself is very expensive which is such a shame otherwise I would have like to have a series of Polaroids throughout my work and maybe used in my final outcome. I don't feel that the compact digital camera would have been any good for myself really as I believe that camera is more for documenting rather that used for a proper photo shoot.

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