Wednesday 24 May 2017


When seeing this design printed onto a bigger
scale I felt that the text was to smart looking
to be on my cover as it is not the look I am
going for. The whole idea when I create a
magazine cover is to represent the nineties
style grunge, and I felt that this "times
Roman" text contrast with the style as the text
type itself is used for more serious publicity
such as "The Times News paper" and
many others.
Here are a variety of sample magazine covers I have created inspired by a wide selection of my research, when narrowing down my idea to only the nineties era then brought my attention to well known nineties grunge like magazines, such as Dazed, Another, ID and Wonderland. When designing my covers I have taken elements within my chosen focus of todays edgy and grunge like magazines into my work.  Further more to narrow my choices down for my final pieces I based it on which I thought were the strongest images but to find this out I decided the print them out onto a bigger scale enabling to see them up close rather than on a computer screen.  I did this by printing the outcomes as a PDF file and onto SRA3 paper, a type of paper that has a glossy finish when printed, so that before printing off properly at reprographics printing room I am able to view if any adjustments are needed.
After designing and editing this magazine cover on Photoshop I then printed it onto SRA3 paper (glossy paper) to get an idea of what my outcome would look like when printed onto photographic paper. However, when printing the finished piece I noticed a big difference from looking at the final design on the mac computer to then printing it. The design and image was more under exposed than in looked when printed, so to over come this problem I went back to my design on Photoshop and added more brightness and contrast to pull out the image further. After these adjustments I then re-printed the design and noticed a greater contrast between the two. I believe that seeing my outcomes on a bigger scale and up and close, was better than just seeing them on a screen as I was able to notice the quality difference and seen on bigger scale. 

These images I have not gone further with as I believe the lighting is perfect and the juxtaposition contrasts a lot within these designs and choice of both photo, and layout. I am overall satisfied with these specific outcomes. However, I feel that there are little arrangements that could be tweaked to make them better for instance, text blending into the background, wording arrangement not being in line with one another and a few theoretical issues all noted on my first development sheet. 
My first development sheet.

When printing this design out the exposure was totally different
when looking at the image on a mac screen, as well as when printed
to a larger format the arrangement of the wording looked slightly odd.
The word "Eve" I feel seems like It is floating rather than purposely
placed in the place where it laid. If I was too go back and edit this chosen
image again, I would crop it slightly so that there is less open space within the image.
I believe that by cropping the photograph so that the upper left is brought in, 
would allow more balance creating leading lines.

This in particular style of design was influenced by the magazine cover
"Another" of Dakota Johnson positioned laid on the floor with a white exposed background.
I recreated this by having my model positioned on the floor but instead of fully laid, 
I instructed her to have her hand of her hand creating an image portraying a grunge mood look.
I have also applied similar elements of the layout and used a colour scheme to balance
 the photograph out that juxtaposes the image. Different parts of the photo command your attention equally, 
so that perfect balance is achieved. For, instance the black title and the models top, create a perfect
balance as the white back ground contrast with the pair. If the photograph was improperly balanced  it would be  less appealing to look at and could  instantly turn off a viewer.

This is by far one of my favourite magazine covers
that I have designed as I believe like it says on the magazine, it is "Pure Grunge" portrayed within this image. I love how I have added the modern twist on nineties grunge and shown how it is seen as a fashion trend today. The items such as the flannel shirt and the scrunchy were influenced from my earlier research when exploring the trends that have returned in today's society. As well as in corporate the music influence of it all and adding in a modernised "Metallica" band T-shirt from Topshop creating more of a original grunge style. However, I believe that in today's day and age, band t-shirts are extremely popular but in my eyes for all the wrong reasons. Individuals of today wear them because they are seen as trendy, not for the main purpose of liking the band on the actual t-shirt today they are seen as a fashion accessory.   

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