Monday 22 May 2017

Photoshoot 2

For my second photo shoot, specifically to create more outcomes that could possibly become my final pieces, I planned another photo shoot that would this time embrace the culture of grunge and how it has come about. As well as resulting in embracing trends from the nineties that have been modernised to fit in with today's society. I also intended to incorporate aspects of my research within my shoot, such as Corinne days edgy photography and the unusual ways on positioning the model, so that the attitude and body language of the model fits in with the look I am going for. As well as linking back to the overly exposed photographs of the Marc jacobs grunge collection directing the focus all on both the clothing and the model. The clothing I selected for this shoot is mainly loose clothing and band t-shirts. I chose this style so that it linked within both my research and style. Clothing such as flannel shirts, ripped jeans, denim jackets and dungarees. I also decided on my model having a natural look so I included messy hair and minimal make up, to really create the grunge theme and don't care attitude.  

From my research of magazines that show similarities within the edgy and quirky style of grunge (Dazed, Another, ID and Wonderland), I plan to used aspects such as the poses. Creating unusual and disturbing poses portraying the style and imagery portrayed through the magazines. I intend to recreate similar layouts of these specific magazines through my certain aspects for instance where things are placed within the magazine such as the bar code, wording, subtitle and title.

This time for my photo shoot I chose not to collaborate with any one to ensure myself that I am not relying on anyone but myself throughout my shoot. I planned to locate my shoot within the college grounds specifically where I was located for my last shoot,so that I am able to develop my skills further using ambient light and equipment such as light meters, reflectors and different lens. However, during my shoot we more location various times so that I was able to develop my skills with lighting e.g: camera settings.

Luckily, all of my photo shoot this time went to plan and I was able to have a successful shoot. However, I did have some difficulties with the lighting arrangement and settings within the camera but I was able to over come this and use the light meter efficiently enabling me to select the right settings. Also before starting my photo shoot bare in mind I had hired all my equipment out the day before and when collecting the essentials, they were no where to be such luckily I had traced there where a bouts to another department within college and I was able to gather what I needed to begin my photoshoot.   

Equipment list:

  • Camera-Cannon 750D/ Reason I used this camera is because its my own camera and I am comfortable with using it, aswell as having a greater knowledge and understanding about it. 
  • Lens-Macro lens/ Reason I used a macro lens was because I am forever using my regular day to day 55mm lens and felt I needed more experience with different lens, also the lens itself is great for close ups creating a good outcome of portraits. 
  • Light meter/ Reason I used a light meter was because whenever I do location shoots I usually go off my own knowledge of what I already know when it comes to adjsusting the settings when changing light. The light meter gave me a chance to use a ddifferent material when photographing and advising me on what light should be used when shooting in either light or dark surroundings. 
  • Ambient light/ I used ambient light coming directly from the open window from the right.
  • Reflector-silver and gold/ I used a reflector to give me more practice when using different materials and learning multiple ways of playing with light.

Here are all my contact sheets containing all photographs taken on the day of the photo shoot showing experimentation and development.

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