Thursday 18 May 2017

Uncool 90's Brands

My research on "Uncool 90s Brands"
For another page in my sketchbook of secondary research I have looked at certain brands of today that were once known as unpopular and uncool. This is due to when the brands were released they were aimed at lower/middle classed individuals so when higher classes saw, the general reaction was because lower classes wore that specific clothing that they be seen as one "Uncool". This still happens today, Its how people make there judgements around stereotypes. However, these photographs that are displayed in my sketchbook are either of celebrities wearing the clothing that was once known as uncool or have come from high street fashion stores online and local. High fashion stores such as Topshop, Urban outfitters, Asos and many more. Its how today society works, If a celebrity was to wear a specific brand or item of clothing that is uncool it would automatically become cool again as its being portrayed on a higher achieved individual who is looked up to and influences millions.
My diagrams on how I feel fashion evolves.
Theoretically, If I was to do a shoot engaging this style of clothing I could picture the shoot being located in a rough council estate where it is stereotyped for lower classes to come from or live, and place a wealthy looking individual in the middle wearing the clothing, showing the contrast of the individual and the surrounding. I feel that the clothes would not contrast as fashion as a whole is a cycle and I feel it is worn by all. 

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