Friday 5 May 2017

Portrait Lighting

As I have chose to go down the route of my final piece to be a magazine cover I found that I needed a reminder on portrait lighting and different types, both in and out of the studio. So I decided to ask my photography instructor if she would do a workshop with me. From this I was reminded of multiple lighting techniques used when taking portrait photographs, as well as lighting I decided to use a different lens so I switched from my regular 55mm lens to a fix lens which means I the lens cannot zoom in or out as it is a macro lens specifically good for close ups. Firstly, I decided that I wanted to stay out of the studio for the first part of the workshop as throughout my 2 years of college I've noticed I've limited myself to the studio because knowing I'm so comfortable with it as I know what I'm doing when it comes to studio photography, Its clear I've restricted myself and have over used the facility. Working on a different location for this workshop was exciting and extremely good for my experimentation and development. Showing I have experimented with different light techniques and to take these forward develop them into my own photographs. During the workshop to recap the lighting techniques, my instructor would first show me how to produced the lighting and what it should look like, as well as using a light meter enabling me a easier way to know what settings are needed on the camera for that type of lighting. Then after I would then practice on her. This happened for every lighting techniques we did. Lighting techniques we went through were: Split lighting using ambient light, Back/Rim lighting using a reflector, Rim/Split using ambient light from a perspective, Split lighting in the studio, Butterfly lighting in the studio using continuous light, Rembrandt lighting in the studio and Rim lighting in the studio.
Split Lighting using ambient lighting taken
by myself using a Cannon 750D with a
Fixed lens.
Split Lighting using Ambient light.

Back/Rim Lighting using Ambient light
with a reflector.
Back/Rim Lighting taken by myself using
a Cannon 750D with a Fixed lens.
Rim/Split Lighting using Ambient light.


Rim/Split Lighting using Ambient taken
by myself using a Cannon 750D with
a Fixed Lens.

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